Formats offers a comprehensive way to construct Discord Messages using data from notifications. Once created, formats can be used on any of the feeds or integrations you have.
Notification Variables
Variables represent parts of notification content like the title, link, thumbnail etc. Each platform has different variables you can use to construct your message templates. The comprehensive list is displayed each time you edit or add a message template in the Web Dashboard.
Text Formats
The RSS is a text format created by default when using RSS feeds. To make a new text format you can use text combined with variables inside {{ }} for example:
@everyone This is a new article: {{Title}}
View it at {{Link}}
Adding Text Formats
To add a text formats use the /format text
command in Discord or use the Web Dashboard.
Editing Text Formats
To edit a text Formats use the /edit format-text
command in Discord or use the Web Dashboard.
Embed Formats
The YouTube_Embed, Reddit, TikTok_Embed and Twitch are all Embed Formats. The embed Formats uses the same syntax as the text Formats to provide values to fields. It has 3 distinct components:
- Message Content - Text above the Discord Embed (same as text Formats).
- Thread Name - Name of the thread when posting in a Forum channel or creating Threads.
- Discord Embed - The Discord Embed and all of it's components.
- Button Link - Button to a external link.
You can choose to have just one of these components or all 4,
the YouTube_Video and TikTok_Video formats don't use the formats Embed but the default one instead (since they are able to play the video).
You are able edit the Message Content just as you
would any text Formats (using the same commands/interface) even without being a Premium user.
The Discord Embed can be further divided into sub components where you can omit all but one field and still be valid:
- URL - Title link.
- Title - The Title text.
- Author - Text above the title (Image - Text(URL))
- Author Name - Text part
- Author URL (optional) - Link the text points to.
- Author Image (optional) - Image URL that appears before the text.
- Description - Text bellow the Title (can use markdown to format text).
- Color - The Embed Color has to be in Hex format like
. - Image - The Full scale image in the Embed (bellow description).
- Image - URL for the image.
- Height (optional) - Height of the image (leave empty for fit to content)
- Width (optional) - Width of the image (leave empty for fit to content)
- Thumbnail - The Thumbnail in the Embed (right of author/title).
- Thumbnail - URL for the Thumbnail.
- Height (optional) - Height of the Thumbnail (leave empty for fit to content)
- Width (optional) - Width of the Thumbnail (leave empty for fit to content)
- Footer - Text bellow the image (Image - Text)
- Footer - Text part
- Footer Image (optional) - Image URL that appears before the text.
- Timestamp - Formatted time value (right of footer)
Adding Embed Formats
This is a Premium only feature.
To add a embed Formats use the /format embed
command in Discord or use the Web Dashboard.
- Name - The name of the embed message format
- Embed-URL (optional) - Link for the embed.
- Title (optional) - Template for Embed title.
- Thread-Name (optional) - Template for thread name.
- Message (optional) - Text part of the message (before the embed)
- Description (optional) - Template for description.
- Author-Name (optional) - Template for author's name.
- Author-URL (optional) - Template for author's URL.
- Author-Image (optional) - Template for author's image URL.
- Color (optional) - Hexadecimal color code (eg. #FFFAAA).
- Footer (optional) - Template for embed footer.
- Footer-Image (optional) - Template for embed footer image.
- Upload-Timestamp (optional) - Template for embed timestamp.
- Button (optional) - Text to display on the button.
- Button-Link (optional) - URL to link the button to.
- Image (optional) - Template for image URL.
- Image-Height (optional) - Image height to use.
- Image-Width (optional) - Image width to use.
- Thumbnail (optional) - Template for thumbnail URL.
- Thumbnail-Height (optional) - Thumbnail height to use.
- Thumbnail-Width (optional) - Thumbnail width to use.
- Name - The name of the embed message format
- Message Content - Text part of the message (before the embed)
- URL - Link for the embed.
- Title - Template for Embed title.
- Thread Name - Template for thread name.
- Author Name - Template for author's name.
- Author URL - Template for author's URL.
- Author Image - Template for author's image URL.
- Description - Template for description.
- Color - Hexadecimal color code (eg. #FFFAAA).
- Image - Template for image URL.
- Image Height - Image height to use.
- Image Width - Image width to use.
- Thumbnail - Template for thumbnail URL.
- Thumbnail Height - Thumbnail height to use.
- Thumbnail Width - Thumbnail width to use.
- Footer - Template for embed footer.
- Footer Image - Template for embed footer image.
- Timestamp - Template for embed timestamp.
- Button - Text to display on the button.
- Button Link - URL to link the button to.
Editing Embed Formats
This is a Premium only feature.
To edit a embed format use the /edit format-embed
command in Discord or use the Web Dashboard.
- Name - The name of the embed message format to update
- New-Name (optional) - Edit the name of the embed message format.
- New-Url (optional) - Edit the URL of the embed.
- New-Message (optional) - Edit the text part of the message (before the embed).
- New-Description (optional) - Edit the template for description.
- New-Title (optional) - Edit the template for title.
- New-Thread-Name (optional) - Edit the template for thread name.
- New-Author-Name (optional) - Edit the template for author's name.
- New-Author-Url (optional) - Edit the template for author's URL.
- New-Author-Image (optional) - Edit the template for author's image URL.
- New-Color (optional) - Edit the hexadecimal color code (eg. #FFFAAA).
- New-Footer (optional) - Edit the template for footer.
- New-Footer-Image (optional) - Edit the template for footer image.
- New-Upload-Timestamp (optional) - Edit the template for embed timestamp.
- New-Button (optional) - Edit the text to display on the button.
- New-Button-Link (optional) - Edit the URL to link the button to.
- New-Image (optional) - Edit the template for image URL.
- New-Image-Height (optional) - Edit the height of the image.
- New-Image-Width (optional) - Edit the width of the image.
- New-Thumbnail (optional) - Edit the template for thumbnail.
- New-Thumbnail-Height (optional) - Edit the thumbnail height.
- New-Thumbnail-Width (optional) - Edit the thumbnail width.
- Name - The name of the embed message format
- Message Content - Text part of the message (before the embed)
- URL - Link for the embed.
- Title - Template for Embed title.
- Thread Name - Template for thread name.
- Author Name - Template for author's name.
- Author URL - Template for author's URL.
- Author Image - Template for author's image URL.
- Description - Template for description.
- Color - Hexadecimal color code (eg. #FFFAAA).
- Image - Template for image URL.
- Image Height - Image height to use.
- Image Width - Image width to use.
- Thumbnail - Template for thumbnail URL.
- Thumbnail Height - Thumbnail height to use.
- Thumbnail Width - Thumbnail width to use.
- Footer - Template for embed footer.
- Footer Image - Template for embed footer image.
- Timestamp - Template for embed timestamp.
- Button - Text to display on the button.
- Button Link - URL to link the button to.
Removing Message Formats
Remove a Message format using the /remove format
command in Discord or use the Web Dashboard.
- Name - name of the format to remove