Filters are used to filter out messages before they are sent to Discord.
Meaning if a filter is activated the message will not be sent, for example a filter:
Title EQUALS my-awesome-title
Adding Filters
Creating a filter is only available on the Web Dashboard and is
limited based on the subscription plan you are currently on.
Filters are split into two catagories Feed and Webhook so the limit is applied to each individually.
When adding an filter you are presented a list of all fields you can add one too:
You can a filter for each field present in this view, the filter limit only applies to the
feed/connection not the fields.
To edit the filters go to filter view on either Feeds or Webhook view
Filter Types
All of the filter types currently work only on text and the operations are case sensitive (other types soon):
- Disabled - Filter is disables and ignored.
- Equals - Data must match the Filter Value.
- Not Equal - Data does not match the Filter Value.
- Incudes - Data contains the Filter Value.
- Excludes - Data does not contain the Filter Value.